Mower SWCD greatly appreciates the state Clean Water funding that supports our staffing and projects.
Mower SWCD Board of Supervisors
Monthly Board Meeting
NOTE: Starting June 2024, Mower SWCD board meetings are the second Thursday of the month through 2024.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024
*** 7:00 AM *** (special time)
Mower SWCD office, 1408 21st Ave NW in Austin
Learn about mower swcd's 2023 field projects
New project signs and online story map show what's being done for conservation work with farming cooperators in Mower County.
Follow this link to view the new Mower SWCD online story map for before and after photos of various conservations projects underway or planned for later in 2023.
Learn about prairie strips and the cost-share opportunities available to farmers and landowners in Mower County.
Mower SWCD Use of SWCD Aid Funds
Mower SWCD will utilize SWCD Aid funding to continue and enhance conservation delivery within our county. As landowners' needs for conservation programs have increased, so has the staffing required to fulfill those requirements. Mower SWCD remains committed to delivering the highest service to our community. SWCD Aid will allow us to deliver these programs at the highest level possible. Click here to see the resolution on the Use of SWCD Aid Funds.
Cost-share available for well sealing
Mower SWCD is partnering with Austin Utilities to provide cost-share assistance to landowners interested in sealing an unused or abandoned well. Cost-share is 50% of the sealing cost (up to $1,000 or $1,500 per well, depending on watershed) and focused on high-priority areas of Mower County (see colored areas of map below) on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
Those interested should contact Mower SWCD's Tim Ruzek at 507-460-4577 or
Since 1953
Mower Soil & Water Conservation District
Since 1953, Mower SWCD has provided local leadership to conserve, protect and enhance Mower County's natural resources.
What Is Mower SWCD?
Find out more about our organization.